Sunday, 2 September 2012

Cleansing with a Smudge Stick..

The best Smudge Stick to use is White Sage. Sage smoke is powerful to cleanse not just your Crystals but also rooms and auras making it an excellent method of cleansing.
 Light your smudge stick at one end, let the flame get going a bit then blow it out so it is just smouldering.
Slowly move your Crystal within the stream of the smoke or use a feather, your hand or blow to direct the smoke towards your Crystal so the air around is full of the sage essence.

Cleansing Using Breath / Energy..

Our Breath is a powerful tool for cleansing day-to-day energies from crystals as our thoughts, feelings and intentions are very powerful and it is perfect for when you are in a hurry and quickly need a Crystal.

Hold your Crystal in your hand, take a deep breath and then blow over your Crystal while imagining
all the negative energy clearing away from the Crystal as bright white energy flows into the Crystal.
Another quick method is using your Energy to cleanse your Crystals.

Hold your Crystal in your hand and imagine a pure white light coming in through your crown chakra travelling through your body going through your hand and pouring into your crystal.

Cleansing under a Full Moon..

One of my favourite ways to Cleanse my Crystals is to put them outside during a waxing moon when the moon is at its fullest. The Moon is a powerful and mystical way to cleanse and purify your crystals with the energy from the moonlight washing away anything that is no longer needed in that Crystal.

Your Crystals can be placed directly on the ground or put on a soft cloth and lay them on a table or chair or on a windowsill and leave them outside overnight.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Cleansing with Salt Water..

One of my favourite ways to Cleanse my Crystals is using Salt Water. You can take your Crystals to the sea and place or hold them in the sea or if you don’t live near the sea you can still use Sea Salt.

What you need:
A Glass / Ceramic bowl
Sea Salt
Bottled Spring Water
And your Crystals that need Cleansing

Fill your Bowl with your bottled spring water making sure there is enough to cover your Crystals.

Add a handful of Sea Salt to the Water and then gently immerse your Crystals.

Leave them to soak for a few hours.
Take your Crystals out of the water and allow them to dry naturally.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Why Cleanse your Crystals..

Before we can use a Crystal it first needs to be Cleansed as Crystals work by absorbing negative energies within the body during healing, so before it can be re-used, these negative energies need to be cleansed away before you re-use the crystal again.

For Example :
If a crystal has been used for something like an emotional hurt, it needs to be cleansed afterwards so you don’t take on that same emotion next time you use that crystal.
Crystals also absorb energy from their surroundings and from other people who touch them so it is important to cleanse, Especially New Crystals, of any past negative energy.
Negative thoughts, as well as diseases, could also of been accumulated by the Crystal which may then be passed on if not Cleansed.

There are many methods of Cleansing your Crystals using :
Essential Oils

Whichever you use is entirely a matter of personal preference.. !! ..

Why Use Crystals..

Crystals have spiritual and healing properties that work by absorbing negative energies within the body during healing.
They can be used for physical healing, mental healing and emotional healing.
Crystals can be placed onto or around your body to allow energy from the crystal into the body to promote healing.
The energy that is given off by the crystals is able to balance, clean and re-energise your energy field.
You can use Crystals in every aspect of your daily life as All Crystals are of benefit to you, being used to treat different ailments of the body, mind and spirit.

Which ones you select will depend on your reasons for choosing it!